Facts about Trinity Lutheran School
50 acre school campus; 58,000 square foot facility
17 general purpose classrooms
5 Early Childhood (Preschool and Pre-K.) classrooms
Dedicated music and art rooms
Multiple resource rooms
Gymnasium and locker rooms
2 playgrounds with multi acreage greenspace
Baseball and Soccer Fields
Large multi-purpose room
Interactive Classroom Technologies PS-8th
Mobile Chromebook lab
Mini classroom Chromebook labs PS-3rd
1:1 Chromebook Program Grades 4-8, with take-home program in 6-8.
General School Information:
Developing Disciples since 1858
Student Enrollment: 400 (PS-8th)
School Staff:
Certified/Degreed Instructional 29,
support 13,
administration 2
Daily devotions and Weekly Chapel Services PS-8
Dress Code: A dress code, No uniforms
School Mascot: Warriors
School Colors: Blue and White
School Times: 8:15 AM - 3:15 PM
Extended Care:
Before 7:00 - 8:00 AM,
After 3:15 - 5:30 PM
Certified Hot Lunch Program PS-8
Measures of Academic Progress
As a part of developing well-rounded students, Trinity Lutheran focuses on quality academics. Trinity uses the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) tests to monitor students' academic progress and help to set appropriate, individualized goals for student growth. The information below gives a comparison of Trinity's recent academic test scores compared to the composite test scores of the schools in Illinois, as well as the projected scores area public schools.
In the composite scores for the reading and English/language tests, Trinity Lutheran students far surpassed the state and local results, with 58% of our students meeting or exceeding National grade level averages!
The community surrounding Trinity Lutheran School has strong public school districts. Trinity's academic progress numbers hold up well to our public school counterparts, with 83% of our students at the "Approached" or "Met/Exceeded" the National grade level averages in mathematics (compared to 61%, 69%, and 50%, respectively).