
Sharing Your Gifts

At Trinity Lutheran, we truly believe that many hands make light work. We have a generous God who has blessed each person with different gifts.  There are many opportunities for sharing your gifts with the students, staff, and families at Trinity Lutheran School.   Whether time, talents, or treasures, we are grateful for gifts that you might share with us.

Time & Talents

Your gifts of time and talents are valuable resources to our school community! We welcome the opportunity for you to invest those resources through a variety of ways:  from a one-time event, to an ongoing commitment.  We have needs that could be filled by volunteers of all ages and abilities

Here are some examples of volunteer opportunities at Trinity Lutheran School:

  • Read stories to children
  • Work with children in special interest areas
  • Present learning game activities to children
  • Prepare and present materials for art, physical education, and music activities
  • Check books out to children
  • Accompany groups on field trips
  • Assist with campus special events
  • Assist with PTL activities and functions
  • Tutor students
  • Assist in school office
  • Share technology skills
  • Reading Volunteer
  • Athletic/Extra-curricular Coach

We know God has given each of us time and unique talents to honor Him.  Please consider investing your time or talents with our school community.  Contact us for more information on volunteering.  


Your financial gifts  help provide resources that allow us to equip our faculty and our classrooms with the curriculum, technologies, trainings, and other resources necessary for an exemplary, well-rounded, Christian-based education.  Additionally, your financial gifts provide tuition assistance to families in need, so that no child is denied a Christian education due to lack of financial resources. 

There are a variety of ways which you donate financial gifts to our school ministry.  These include cash gifts, matching gifts through an employer, planned gifts, and gifts toward our scholarship trust.  

You may contact us for more information about giving, or use our online giving form.


Trinity Lutheran Church and School is a not-for-profit corporation that has been granted tax-exempt status by the I.R.S. under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Accordingly, your financial gift to Trinity may be tax-deductible.